本次讲座邀请亚非经济专家、精通朝鲜问题的Marcus NOLAND讲解朝鲜当前面临的人道主义危机问题。
- 时间:2023年9月29日(星期五)12:15-13:15
- 举办方式:网络会议(视频直播)
- 使用语言:英语
- 会议费:免费
- 主办:独立行政法人经济产业研究所(RIETI)
- 演讲者:
- Marcus NOLAND((彼得森国际经济研究所副所长、研究主任,美国东西方中心兼职高级研究员)
Marcus Noland, executive vice president and director of studies, has been associated with the Institute since 1985. From 2009 through 2012, he served as the Institute's deputy director. His research addresses a wide range of topics at the interstice of economics, political science, and international relations. His areas of geographical knowledge and interest include Asia and Africa where he has lived and worked, and the Middle East. In the past he has written extensively on the economies of Japan, Korea, and China, and is unique among American economists in having devoted serious scholarly effort to the problems of North Korea and the prospects for Korean unification. He won the 2000–01 Ohira Memorial Award for his book Avoiding the Apocalypse: The Future of the Two Koreas. His most recent book, Hard Target: Sanctions, Inducements, and the Case of North Korea (Stanford University Press, 2017) was coauthored with Stephan Haggard.
- Marcus NOLAND((彼得森国际经济研究所副所长、研究主任,美国东西方中心兼职高级研究员)
- 评论员:
- 古川胜久(联合国安理会北朝鲜制裁委员会(1718委员会)原专家委员,开源情报(OSINT)分析师)
- 主持人:
- 浦田秀次郎(RIETI理事长,早稻田大学名誉教授)