Grow the Pie:通过超越目标和利润之间的二分法实现可持续经济


  本次研讨会邀请伦敦商学院Alex Edmunds教授解说其著作《Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit》(入选《金融时报》2020年度最佳图书,日文译本将于今年7月出版),探讨什么是目标管理以及企业应该如何平衡目标追求与长期股东回报等有关目标管理的相关问题。


  • 时间:2023年9月14日(星期四)16:00-17:00
  • 举办方式:网络会议(视频直播)
  • 使用语言:英语
  • 会议费:免费
  • 主办:独立行政法人经济产业研究所(RIETI)


  • Alex EDMANS(伦敦商学院金融学教授)
    Alex Edmans is Professor of Finance at London Business School. Alex has a PhD from MIT as a Fulbright Scholar, and was previously a tenured professor at Wharton and an investment banker at Morgan Stanley.
    Alex has spoken at the World Economic Forum in Davos, testified in the UK Parliament, and given the TED talk “What to Trust in a Post-Truth World” and the TEDx talks “The Pie-Growing Mindset” and “The Social Responsibility of Business” with a combined 2.7 million views. He serves as non-executive director of the Investor Forum, and on Royal London Asset Management’s Responsible Investment Advisory Committee.
    Alex’s book, “Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit”, was a Financial Times Book of the Year for 2020, and he is a co-author of “Principles of Corporate Finance” (with Brealey, Myers, and Allen). He has won 25 teaching awards at Wharton and LBS and was named Professor of the Year by Poets & Quants in 2021.
  • 池田阳子(RIETI顾问研究员,内阁官房新资本主义实现本部事务局企划官(负责初创企业))
  • 宫岛英昭(RIETI教职研究员,早稻田大学常任理事(掌管财务)、商学学术院教授,早稻田大学高等研究所顾问)