
The COVID-19 Outbreak and Public Health Issues: an Interdisciplinary Approach


  The COVID-19 Outbreak has been an immense challenge for life sciences for almost a year. But it also puts societies around the world to the test and obliges states and international organizations to take measures of a biopolitical nature. Because this crisis questions us about the relationship of our societies to the living and to "nature", about the scientific and social character of our modernity, understanding its stakes in all their magnitude requires an interdisciplinary approach. This workshop will cover various national fields. It will present the issues at stake in current research conducted by the organizers of this workshop in fields as diverse as genetics, epidemiology, economics, geography, and political science, but all of which are aimed at understanding the deep-seated forces behind the pandemic and its consequences and exploring ways to emerge from it.


  • 时间:2020年12月16日(星期三)16:00-19:00、2020年12月17日(星期四)16:00-19:00
  • 使用语言:英语(没有同声传译)
  • 会议费:免费
  • 主办:日法会馆、法国国立日本研究所
  • 合办:Institut Pasteur、独立行政法人经济产业研究所(RIETI)
  • 协力:京都大学