The below information is as of November 30, 2010. It may differ from the current information.



Faculty Fellow (until November 30, 2010)

Professor, Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University

Activities at RIETI


Corporation Law, Commercial Law, Commercial Transactions, International Transactions, Law and Economics

Research Projects


2007 Ph.D., Law, the University of Tokyo
1980 Graduated from Faculty of Law, the University of Tokyo


2009-present Professor, Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University
2005 Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School; Visiting Professor, Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley
2004-2009 Professor, School of Law, Seikei University
2003 Visiting Professor, Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley
2002 Visiting Professor, Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley
1998-1999 Visiting Professor, School of Law, Columbia University
1994-2004 Professor, Faculty of Law, Seikei University
1985-1994 Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Seikei University
1985-1987 Visiting Scholar, Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley
1983-1985 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Seikei University
1980-1983 Research Fellow, Faculty of Law, Tokyo University

2002-2005 Expert Member of the Committee on Legal Structure (on Corporate Law) at the Ministry of Justice
2000-present Expert Member of the Committee on Industrial Structure (on Corporation Law) at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
1996-1998 Expert Member of the Committee on Industrial Structure at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
1990-1995 Delegate of Japan to United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (Working Group on International Guarantee Letters)

Selected Publications and Papers

Doki-zuke no shikumi to shiteno kigyo: insentibu shisutemu no hoseido-ron [The firm as an incentive mechanism: the role of legal institutions], Yuhikaku, 2006.

Ho to keizaigaku: kigyo kanren-ho no mikuro keizaigakuteki kosatsu [Law and economics: a micro-economic approach to legal issues in business], Yuhikaku, 2004 (co-authored with Atsushi Tsuneki)

Kaishaho nyumon [An introduction to corporate law], Nikkei, 1991, 5th ed., 2006.

Kokusai goben [International joint ventures], Yuhikaku, 1988 (co-authored with Atsushi Kusano)

Takokuseki kigyo to kokusai torihiki [Multi-national companies and international trade], Sanseido, 1987 (co-authored)

Articles and Chapters
"The Turnaround of 1997: Changes in Japanese Corporate Law and Governance," in Masahiko Aoki et al., eds., Corporate Governance in Japan: Institutional Change and Organizational Diversity (Oxford University Press, forthcoming).

"Reform in Japanese Corporate Law and Corporate Governance: Current Changes in Historical Perspective," American Journal of Comparative Law, vol. 49, no. 4, (2001).

"Japanese Corporate Governance: The Hidden Problems of Corporate Law and Their Solutions," Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, vol. 25, no. 2, (2000).

"Problems of the Closely Held Corporation: A Comparative Study of the Japanese and American Legal Systems and a Critique of the Japanese Tentative Draft on Close Corporations," American Journal of Comparative Law, vol. 38, no. 2 (1990).

"Conflicts of Interest and Fiduciary Duties in the Operation of a Joint Venture," 39 Hastings L. J. 63 (1987).