Senior Fellow (Policy Economist)

Activities at RIETI


Empirical Analysis on R&D, Innovation and Productivity


2015 Ph.D. in Economics, Hitotsubashi University
2006 Master of Economics, Hitotsubashi University
2004 Bachelor of Commerce, Chuo University


2021 - Present Senior Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry
2016 - 2021 Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry
2011 - 2016 Research Fellow, First Theory-oriented Research Group, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy
2014 - 2016 Visiting Scholar, SciREX Center, National Graduate Research Institute for Policy Studies
2014 - 2015 Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Nihon University
2009 - 2012 Research Assistant, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry
2008 - 2012 Research Assistant, Faculty of Economics, Hitotsubashi University
2006 - 2008 Analyst (Marketing Research), Yahoo Japan Value Insight Corporation

Selected Publications and Papers

Working Papers

  • "Agglomeration and Adverse Selection: Evidence from multi-plant firms," (with Rene Belderbos, Kyoji Fukao, YoungGak Kim and HyeogUg Kwon) NISTEP Discussion Paper No. 115, 2015.
  • "Buyers, Suppliers, and R&D Spillovers," (with Rene Belderbos, Kyoji Fukao, YoungGak Kim and HyeogUg Kwon) RIETI Discussion Paper Series 15-E-047/NISTEP Discussion Paper No. 114, 2015.
  • "R&D, innovation, and business performance of Japanese start-ups: A comparison with established firms," (with Hiroyuki Okamuro) NISTEP Discussion Paper No. 104, 2013.
  • "Plant Productivity Dynamics and Private and Public R&D Spillovers: Technological, Geographic and Relational Proximity," (with Rene Belderbos, Kyoji Fukao, YoungGak Kim and HyeogUg Kwon) Center for Economic Institutions Working Paper Series, 2013.
  • "Work-life balance and gender differences in self-employment income during the start-up stage in Japan," (with Hiroyuki Okamuro) Global COE Hi-Stat Discussion Paper Series No.260, November, 2012.
  • "Do More Productive Firms Locate New Factories in More Productive Locations? An empirical analysis based on panel data from Japan's Census of Manufactures," (with Kyoji Fukao, YoungGak Kim and HyeogUg Kwon) RIETI Discussion Paper Series 11-E-068, 2011.

Papers Published in Refereed Journals

  • "Why Was Japan Left Behind in the ICT Revolution?" (with Kyoji Fukao, YoungGak Kim and Hyeog Ug Kwon) Telecommunications Policy, in press, 2016.
  • "International Competitiveness: A Comparison of the Manufacturing Sectors in Korea and Japan," (with Kyoji Fukao, YoungGak Kim and Hyeog Ug Kwon and Tatsuji Makino) Seoul Journal of Economics, 29(1), 43–68, 2016.


  • "Empirical Studies on the Sources of Agglomeration Economies," Doctoral Thesis, Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University, 2015.
  • "Determinants of business and financial network formation by Japanese start-up firms: Does founder's human capital matter?" (with Hiroyuki Okamuro) Ch.7 in Economics of Interfirm Networks, Springer, 2015.
  • "Effects of regional human capital structure on business entry: a comparison of independent start-ups and new subsidiaries in different industries," (with Hiroyuki Okamuro) Ch.6 in Entrepreneurship, Growth and Economic Development: Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011.