Environment, Energy, and Resource Strategies: Exploring new growth areas

Author(s)/Editor(s) Written and edited by MANAGI Shunsuke
Publisher Nippon Hyoronsha Co., Ltd.
ISBN 978-4-535-55755-0
Publication Date September 2013

Table of Contents

Introduction:   Economic Growth and Technological Advancement as a Background of the Argument in this Book and the Contents Thereof

Part I:   Environment Strategy
Chapter 1   Analysis of the economic efficiency of a global zero emission scenario
Chapter 2   International trends in recent years and implications for Japan's climate change strategy
Chapter 3   Economic impact of the expanding scope of environmentally-regulated industries: Introduction of an emissions trading system
Chapter 4   Current state and challenges of environmental regulations for emissions from international transport
Chapter 5   National laws, political factors, and technology transfer to developing countries: Empirical analysis of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

Part II:   Energy Strategy
Chapter 6   Economic analysis of policy measures for renewable energy promotion: Comparative analysis of feed-in tariffs (FIT) and renewable portfolio standards (RPS)
Chapter 7   Post-quake energy mix in Japan: Electricity demand analysis factoring in differences by type of power generation
Chapter 8   Economic evaluation of the greater usage of next-generation automobiles
Chapter 9   Development of energy conservation technologies and corporate value

Part III:   Strategy for Dealing with Earthquakes and Other Natural Disasters
Chapter 10   Strategy for securing access to natural resources and resource prices
Chapter 11   Competition for rights to natural resources, assistance strategies, and the distribution of benefits
Chapter 12   Natural disasters and economic growth: Theoretical findings
Chapter 13   Economic analysis of natural disaster damage

Conclusion:   Economic Growth under Environmental and Energy Constraints

* This publication is in Japanese. An English translation is not available.