A Re-examination of the Global Warming Problem

Author(s)/Editor(s) Written and edited by SAWA Akihiro, SEKI Soichiro
ISBN 4-492-21144-6
Publication Date January 2004

Authors' Words

Table of Contents

This book presents an honest look at why an effective framework for dealing with the global warming problem has not been developed against the backdrop of realpolitik based on national sovereignty, and seeks a framework for solutions.

Section I: A Study of Bargaining Power with Respect to the Global Warming Problem
Chapter 1: The Importance of Science-based Political Negotiations
Chapter 2: Passage of the Kyoto Protocol and the Structure of the Negotiations
Chapter 3: An Analysis of National Negotiating Positions from the Standpoint of
The Energy Supply-Demand Structure
Chapter 4: Domestic Policy "Games" over Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol

Section II: The Economic Impact of the Kyoto Protocol
Chapter 5: The Effect of the Kyoto Protocol on Japan's Economy
Chapter 6: Future Scenarios for Energy Supply and Demand
Chapter 7: Environmental Regulation and Corporate Innovation Strategy

Section III: A New Framework as Post-Kyoto Protocol
Chapter 8: Japan's Post-Kyoto Strategy
Chapter 9: Alternative International Regimes to the Kyoto Protocol

Conclusion: Suggestions for a Sustainable and Effective Framework

* This publication is in Japanese. An English translation is not available.