Research Programs: Social Security, Taxation and Public Finance Program

A Socioeconomic Analysis of Households in Environments Characterized by Aging Population and Low Birth Rates

Project Leader/Sub-Leader

Yin Ting

Yin Ting (Fellow)



Japan and its largest trading partner, China, have shared the dual problems of rapid aging and very low birth rates. By analyzing micro data from both nations, this research presents several empirical analyses with the objective of devising possible solutions to these concerns. First, the research reveals the causes of the trend toward delayed marriage, which leads to low birth rates. Second, it explains how population aging affects people's behavior toward consumption, savings, work, family caregiving, and out-of-home care service, and how these factors impact the national economy. We then compare the cases of Japan and China and present implications for social security and fiscal policies by conducting policy simulations based on the results of the above analyses. The novelty of the research is its comparison of the causes and solutions to the aging population and the diminishing number of children in both countries.

September 2, 2014 - August 31, 2016

Major Research Results


RIETI Discussion Papers


RIETI Discussion Papers