
International Workshop on Standards, Intellectual Property and Innovation

  • Program and Handouts


  • Date: Tuesday, June 9, 2015
  • Venue: RIETI's seminar room (METI Annex 11th floor, 1121)
  • Language: English
  • Host: Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)


10:00-10:05 Opening Remarks


Session 1:


AOKI Reiko (RIETI / Kyushu University)

10:05-10:45 Inter-generational Competition among Standards: Evidence from optical disc industry

10:05-10:30 Presenter:

SHIMBO Tomoyuki (Kanto Gakuin University)

10:30-10:40 Discussant:


10:40-10:45 Q&A

10:45-11:25 Evolution of Standards and Innovation

10:45-11:10 Presenter:

ARAI Yasuhiro (Kochi University)

11:10-11:20 Discussant:

Pierre REGIBEAU (Charles River Associates and Imperial College)

11:20-11:25 Q&A

11:25-12:35 Standard Essential Patents: Progress, remaining issues and a measure of our ignorance

11:25-12:05 Presenter:

Pierre REGIBEAU (Charles River Associates and Imperial College)

12:05-12:20 Discussant:

NAGAOKA Sadao (RIETI / Tokyo Keizai University)

12:20-12:35 Q&A

12:35-13:35 Lunch

Session 2:


TSUKADA Naotoshi (RIETI / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS))

13:35-14:45 The Value of the Standard

13:35-14:15 Presenter:

Thomas COTTER (University of Minnesota)

14:15-14:30 Discussant:

AOKI Reiko (RIETI / Kyushu University)

14:30-14:45 Q&A

14:45-15:25 Enforcement of SEP: Japanese situation from a comparative perspective

14:45-15:10 Presenter:

SUZUKI Masabumi (Nagoya University)

15:10-15:20 Discussant:

Thomas COTTER (University of Minnesota)

15:20-15:25 Q&A

15:25-15:30 Closing Remarks

AOKI Reiko (RIETI / Kyushu University)

*Agenda is subject to change