Recent Activities

Meeting between the Wharton School, METI, and RIETI

 Founded in 1881 as the first collegiate business school, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is recognized globally for its academic standard with more than 200 courses and 20 research centers. The Wharton School, METI, and RIETI held a meeting to discuss the creation of new industry fields, in particular, innovation systems that will keep countries internationally competitive.

The participants from the Wharton School included Professor David R. BELL, a marketing specialist, Professor Ziv KATALAN, an information management specialist, and Professor Katherine KLEIN, a healthcare management specialist. METI's participant was YANASE Tadao, Deputy Director-General, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, and RIETI's participants included President FUJITA Masahisa, Chairman NAKAJIMA Atsushi, Program Director/Faculty Fellow NAGAOKA Sadao (Hitotsubashi University), and Faculty Fellow AOKI Reiko (Hitotsubashi University). A vigorous exchange of views among the participants took place including an introduction to Japanese innovation performance.