张 红咏

张 红咏顔写真

张 红咏 ZHANG Hongyong









1998年 青岛海洋大学外语系毕业
2008年 关西学院大学商学系毕业
2013年 京都大学研究生院经济学研究科博士课程毕业
2013年 京都大学博士(经济学)


1998年 株式会社宇野通商青岛事务所
2000年 株式会社TOMEN青岛事务所
2013年 独立行政法人经济产业研究所研究员
2016年 经合组织(OECD)顾问(兼职)
2016年 亚洲开发银行(ADB)访问学者(兼职)
2018年 学习院大学东洋文化研究所客座研究员(兼职)
2019年 京都大学研究生院经济学研究科外部研究员(兼职)
2020年 独立行政法人经济产业研究所高级研究员


  • Multinational Firms and Foreign Direct Investment
  • Moving out of China? Evidence from Japanese multinational firms, Economic Modelling, 110, May 2022, 105826. (with Changyuan Luo and Chunxiao Si)
  • Learning and information transmission within multinational corporations, European Economic Review, 143, April 2022, 104016. (with Cheng Chen and Chang Sun)
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Global Production: Evidence from Japanese Multinational Firms, The International Economy, December 2021, 24: 142-165.
  • Networks of foreign affiliates: Evidence from Japanese micro-data, The World Economy, July 2020, 43(7): 1841-1867. (with Dorothée Rouzet and Francesca Spinelli)
  • International Trade and Trade Policy
  • The US-China Trade War: Implications for Japan’s Global Value Chains, in Geopolitics, Supply Chains, and International Relations in East Asia, Etel Solingen (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, May 2021.
  • The Margins of Intermediate Goods Trade: Theory and Evidence, The International Economy, July 2020, 23: 105-144. (with Tomohiro Ara)
  • Political connections and antidumping investigations: Evidence from China, China Economic Review, August 2018, 50: 34-41.
  • Markups and exporting behaviors of foreign affiliates, Journal of Comparative Economics, August 2017, 45(3): 445-455. (with Lianming Zhu)
  • Impacts of the WTO accession on Chinese exports, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, May 2016, 14(4): 347-364. (with Ryuhei Wakasugi)
  • Uncertainty and Firms
  • Measuring business-level expectations and uncertainty: survey evidence and the COVID-19 pandemic, Japanese Economic Review, July 2021, 72(3): 509-532. (with Cheng Chen and Tatsuro Senga)
  • Chinese Economy
  • The value-added tax reform and labor market outcomes: Firm-level evidence from China, China Economic Review, 69, October 2021, 101678. (with Yuxiang Yang)
  • Understanding the international mobility of Chinese temporary workers, The World Economy, March 2019, 42(3): 738-758.
  • How does agglomeration promote the product innovation of Chinese firms? China Economic Review, September 2015, 35: 105-120.