刘 利刚


刘 利刚顔写真

刘 利刚 Li-Gang LIU







1990年 美国马里兰大学经济学学士学位,(College Park, Maryland).
1992年 取得美国约翰霍普金斯大学经济学硕士学位(马里兰州巴尔提摩)
1997年 取得美国约翰霍普金斯大学经济学博士学位(马里兰州巴尔提摩)

学位论文题目:Government Deficit Financing Methods and Their Effect on Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth.

论文指导教授:Louis J. Maccini, Masahiro Kawai与Francois Velde


1996年-1998年 国际经济研究所(IIE)研究员(哥伦比亚特区华盛顿)
1998年-2000年 世界银行东亚区首席经济学家办公室经济学家(哥伦比亚特区华盛顿)
2000年-2003年 亚洲发展银行学院高级研究员(日本东京)
2003年~    美国乔治梅森大学公共政策学院公共政策及金融专业副教授


1) 专题论文

  • The Global Economic Effect of Asian Currency Devaluations: Policy Analyses in International Economics 56, With Marcus Noland, and Sherman Robinson, Institute for International Economics (Washington DC), July 1998.
2) 杂志论文
  • "A Structural and Macroeconomic Approach to RMB's Valuation," Journal of China and World Economy, January-February Issue, 2004, pp11-20.
  • "How Do Global Credit Rating Agencies Rate Firms from Developing Countries?" with Giovanni Ferri, Asian Economic Papers: 2003, 2:3.
  • "Determinants of International Commercial Lending to Developing Countries," with Masahiro Kawai (forthcoming, Journal of Japanese and International Economies).
  • "Assessing the Effort of Rating Agencies in Emerging Economies: Some Empirical Evidence" with Giovanni Ferri, Journal of European Finance (forthcoming).
  • "How the Proposed Basel Guidelines on Rating-Agency Assessments Would Affect Developing Countries?" with Giovanni Ferri, Journal of Banking and Finance (25) 1, 2001, pp115-148.
  • "The China Money Puzzle: Will a Devaluation of the Yuan Help or Hurt the Hong Kong Dollar?" with Shang-Jin Wei and Wing Thy Woo, China Economic Review, 2000, pp171-188.
  • "Are Credit Ratings Pro-cyclical? Evidence from East Asian Countries," with Giovanni Ferri and Joseph E. Stiglitz, Economic Notes, Vol. 28, no.3, 1999, pp335-355.
  • "The Economics of Korean Unification," with Marcus Noland and Sherman Robinson, Journal of Policy Reform Vol. 3, 1999, pp255-299.
  • "Opening China's Bond Market: Catalyst to Further Reform and A Jumpstart to the Stalled WTO Accession Negotiations," with Edward M. Graham, Journal of World Trade, Vol. 32 (4) August, 1998, pp5-19.
  • "Calibrating the Costs (and Benefits) of Korean Unification," with Marcus Noland and Sherman Robinson, 1998, in Korean Economic Integration, Edited by M. Noland, Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics.
  • "Telecommunications in the Andean Countries: the Role of Foreign Capital," with Carlos Braga and Volker Ziegler, 1998, in The Andean Community and the United States: Trade and Investment Relations in the 1990s, Edited by Miguel Mendoza, Patricia Correa and Barbara Kotschwar, Washington DC: Organization of American States.
4) 在ADB及世界银行报告书上发表的论文
  • Post-Crisis Development Paradigms in Asia, with M. Yoshitomi and ADBI Staff, Asian Development Bank Institute, March 2003.
  • Policy Proposals for Sequencing the PRC's Domestic and External Financial Liberalization, with James Chan-Lee and Masaru Yoshitomi, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, October 2002.
  • East Asia: Recovery and Beyond, May 2000, World Bank, Washington DC.
5) 工作论文
  • "Government Guarantees Behind Banks: International Evidence from the Moody's Ratings," George Mason University, April, 2004.
  • "Can Chinese Provinces Issue Debt? A Credit Rating Approach to Chinese Provinces' Credit Worthiness," George Mason University, May, 2003.
  • "Is there an FDI diversion from the ASEAN to China: Some empirical evidence" ADB Institute, August. 2003.
  • "Sequencing China's Banking Sector Reform after the WTO: Options and Strategies," March, 2002, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo.
  • "Beyond Sequencing: A Risk Management Approach to Financial Liberalization," Feb. 2002, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo.
  • "Hong Kong and Singapore: Financial Policies amid a Regional Crisis," with Yuzuru Ozeki, Internal World Bank Report, June 1999, EASPR, The World Bank.
  • "Asian Competitive Devaluation," with Marcus Noland, Sherman Robinson, and Zhi Wang, Working Paper Series, 98-2, Institute for International Economics.