



  为此,本研讨会,携手在欧洲具有代表性的研究机关CEPR(Centre for Economic Policy Research),以至今为止较少为人所知的,日本与欧盟各国的比较为主题,对日本公司治理的实际形态的变化进行更正确的理解,并且进一步对今后改革的方向进行讨论。



  • 日期、会场:2005年9月13日(星期二) 经团联会馆 Pearl Room(1001号室)
          2005年9月14日(星期三) 经团联会馆 国际会议室
  • 使用语言:13日、英语(无同声传译)/ 14日、日语英语(附同声传译)
  • 会议费用:2000日元(包含交流会费用)(开具正式发票)
  • 共同主办: 独立行政法人经济产业研究所(RIETI)、经济政策研究中心(CEPR)
  • 后援  : 国际交流基金、大河日英基金
  • 联系方法: RIETI 加濑知子、片桐由纪



会议日程(2005年9月13日 星期二)


9:30-9:40 开幕辞

吉富胜 (RIETI所长、CRO)

9:40-12:10 第一部分:“Competing Models of Corporate Governance, and the Role of Boards”

主持人:宫岛英昭 (RIETI教职研究员,早稻田大学商学系教授/金融会计综合研究所 副所长)

论文发表:“Employment Policy and Corporate Governance - An Empirical Comparison of the Stakeholder Versus the Profit-Maximization Model-”

清水谷谕 (RIETI教职研究员、一桥大学经济研究所副教授)

论文发表:“CEO Labor Markets, Incentives and the Shape of Managerial Contracts”

Mariassunta GIANNETTI (Associate Professor, Department of Finance and SITE, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden / Research Affiliate, Financial Economics Program, CEPR, UK)

论文发表:“Corporate Performance, Board Structure and its Determinants in the Banking Industry”

Renee Birgit ADAMS (Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden/ Research Fellow, Swedish Institute for Financial Research, Stockholm, Sweden)


Mariassunta GIANNETTI (Associate Professor, Department of Finance and SITE, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden / Research Affiliate, Financial Economics Program, CEPR, UK)

久保克行 (早稻田大学商学系副教授)

胥 鵬 (RIETI教职研究员,法政大学经济系教授)


12:10-13:20 午餐

13:20-15:50 第二部分“Ownership Structures and the Role of Foreign and Institutional Investors”

主持人:Jenny Corbett (Executive Director, Australia-Japan Research Center, Australian National University, Australia / Reader in the Economy of Japan, Economics Department, University of Oxford, UK / Research Fellow, CEPR, UK)

论文发表:“Foreign Direct Investment: Who Cares About Ownership?”

Colin MAYER (Peter Moores Professor of Finance, Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK / Fellow, CEPR, UK)

论文发表:“Behavioural Biases of Institutional Investors under Pressure from Customers -Japan and Germany vs the US-”

首藤 惠 (早稻田大学金融会计研究生院教授)

论文发表:“Evolution of Ownership: A Three Countries Comparison of the UK, Germany and Japan”

Colin MAYER (Peter Moores Professor of Finance, Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK / Fellow, CEPR, UK)


Christina AHMADJIAN (一桥大学研究生院国际企业战略研究科教授)

Vikas MEHROTRA (Associate Professor of Finance, School of Business, University of Alberta, Canada /一桥大学经济研究所客座副教授)

寺西重郎 (一桥大学经济研究所教授)


15:50-16:20 休息

16:20-18:00 第三部分“Banking Crises and Bank Regulation”

主持人:寺西重郎 (一桥大学经济研究所教授)

论文发表:“Japan's Banking Crisis: Who has the Most to Lose?”

Yishay YAFEH (Senior Lecturer, School of Business Administration and Department of East Asian Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel / Research Fellow, CEPR, UK)

论文发表:“Bank Regulation and Market Discipline Around the World”

鹤光太郎 (RIETI高级研究员)


小林庆一郎 (RIETI研究员,朝日新闻客座评论委员)

Yupana WIWATTANAKANTANG (一桥大学经济研究所经济制度研究中心副教授)



会议日程(2005年9月14日 星期三)

10:00-12:30 第四部分“The Effects of M & A and Takeover Regulation”

主持人:Yishay YAFEH (Senior Lecturer, School of Business Administration and Department of East Asian Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel / Research Fellow, CEPR, UK)

论文发表:“Payout Policy as a Protective Measure Against a Hostile Takeover: Has the Threat of a Takeover Improved the Management of the Target Firm?”

铃木一功 (中央大学专职研究生院国际会计研究科教授)

论文发表:“Takeover Regulation Reforms in Europe and Corporate Governance Convergence”

Marc GOERGEN (Professor of Finance, Sheffield University Management School(SUMS),UK)

论文发表:“Did Efficiency Improve? Megamergers in the Japanese Banking Sector”

原田喜美枝 (中央大学专职研究生院国际会计研究科副教授)


Yishay YAFEH (Senior Lecturer, School of Business Administration and Department of East Asian Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel / Research Fellow, CEPR, UK)

鹤光太郎 (RIETI高级研究员)

Renee Birgit ADAMS (Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden/ Research Fellow, Swedish Institute for Financial Research, Stockholm, Sweden)


12:30-13:30 午餐


13:30-17:40 “Corporate Governance in Japan and Europe: Focusing on the Role of Market for Corporate Control”

总主持人:鹤光太郎 (RIETI高级研究员)

基础演讲:“Corporate Governance: Mobility and Convergence”

Colin MAYER (Peter Moores Professor of Finance, Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK / Fellow, CEPR, UK)

基础演讲:“Changing J-type Firms and the Role of M&A in Corporate Governance”

宫岛英昭 (RIETI教职研究员、早稻田大学商学系教授/金融会计综合研究所 副所长)


15:10-15:30 休息

15:30-17:30 嘉宾讨论:“Takeover Regulation: Lessons from Europe”

主持人:Jenny Corbett (Executive Director, Australia-Japan Research Center, Australian National University, Australia / Reader in the Economy of Japan, Economics Department, University of Oxford, UK / Research Fellow, CEPR, UK)


Marc GOERGEN (Professor of Finance, Sheffield University Management School (SUMS), UK)

日下部聪 (原经济产业省经济产业政策局产业组织课长)

兴津诚 (帝人株式会社董事会董事长)

Paul SHEARD (Managing Director and Chief Economist Asia, Lehman Brothers Japan Inc)


17:30-17:40 闭幕辞

及川耕造 (RIETI理事长)

17:45-19:45 交流会
